
Conceitos básicos de fotografia


domingo, 4 de novembro de 2018

Canon AE-1 (1976-1984)

Canon AE-1 (1976-1984)
Esta fotografia é do exemplar que possuo


The Canon AE-1 is a 35mm film SLR camera with shutter-priority automatic exposure and manual override, produced by Canon in Japan and produced between 1976-1984.

By using a microprocessor, Canon was able to simplify the design, and by using a highly automated production process, they were able to keep costs low. The result was one of the first affordable TTL autoexposure cameras to hit the market. After its introduction in 1976, the Canon AE-1 quickly became a very popular camera worldwide. The AE-1 was replaced a few years later by the AE-1 Program.

Fonte: Camerapedia


Lens: Canon FD 50mm f/1.4 SC
Mount: Canon FD breech-lock mount, accepts New FD (FDn) lenses also; filter thread: 52mm
This is the Standard lens, other normal lens is Canon FD 50mm f/1.4 SSC. There are many Canon lenses for the camera
Aperture: up to f/22, setting: ring and scale on the lens for manual setting
Focus range: 0.6-10m +inf
DOF pre-view: button on the right of the lens flange
Lens release: press the silver button on the lens and turn to anti-clockwise
Focusing: manual, via Canon standard split image rangefinder with microprism collar
Shutter: cloth focal plane electronic shutter travelled horizontally, speeds: 2-1/1000 +B; setting : dial on left of the top plate
Shutter release: on the top plate, w/ cable release socket, w/ lock lever, L means the shutter locked; when on A, pressing half way, the meter is readable in the finder
Cocking lever: 120° stroke (partial strokes enabled). Ready position at 30°.
Canon Winder A optional for power winding
Frame counter: counts up, auto-reset, on the top plate
Viewfinder: fixed eye-level SLR pentaprism, split-image rangefinder encircled by microprism rangefinder at center with a fresnel matte screen. Exposure meter needle, aperture scale, over-exposure warning zone, stopped-down aperture metering needle and battery check indicator, and under-exposure warning LED and Manual control (M) signal are visible
Exposure meter: center-weighted CdS meter with shutter-priority automatic exposure, full-aperture TTL metering
Film speed range: 25-3200 ASA; setting: lift the knurled ring on the winding button and then set. If the speeds dial turns when you setting the ASA, turn it to B or 1000.
Metering range: EV 1-18 at 100 ASA/ISO
Exposure setting: shutter priority auto; set to A, while pressing the AE lock button on the lens turn the aperture ring of the lens; needle pointing along a vertical f-stop scale on the right side of the viewfinder. Shutter release lock lever must be on A.
Manual: TTL stopped-down match needle manual metering
Back-light control switch: silver button, on the right of the lens flange
Exposure compensation range: +1.5 EV.
Exposure preview switch: black button, on the right of the lens flange
Re-wind lever: folding cranck, on right of the top plate
Re-wind release: small knob on the bottom plate
Flash PC socket: Flash sync 1/60, auto-switching
Hot-shoe: the dedicated flash units are Speedlites
Self-timer: release lock lever sets to S , then release the shutter, the red LED blinks when self timer working; before the shutter release, you can cancel it by pressing the battery check button
Back cover: hinged, remowable, w/ memory slot
Engraving on the bottom plate: Canon, Japan
Tripod socket: ¼"
Strap lugs
Body: metal; Weight: 798g (with standard lens)
Battery: 4LR44 6V battery or 4x LR44 1.5 V batteries
Attention: the camera is fully battery dependant
Battery chamber: on front of the camera
Battery check: black button beside the re-wind lever. If the battery is in very good condition, in the viewfinder, metering needle stays below the index near 5.6. If it stays on index, it is in low condition and over the index the battery must be replaced.
On/off switch: shutter release lock lever must be on L
The winder terminals and coupling sockets are in the bottom plate.
Serial no. on the top plate
Date code: inside the film spool compartment, eg. R 217 means the production year 1977 and month.

Fonte: Camerapedia


A minha possui o n.º de série 1886762. lente possui o n.º de série 133918.

Foi fabricada em outubro de 1978 uma vez que possui o código interno S1035. Ver Canon date codes: bobatkins.com

É o segundo exemplar que possuo.

Sítios de referência


Canon date codes: bobatkins.com


Manual em inglês

6V battery

Fujifilm Fujicolor Superia 100/24

Fotografias tiradas com esta máquina

Canon AE-1 sample 1

Canon AE-1 sample 2

Canon AE-1 sample 3


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