
Conceitos básicos de fotografia


sexta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2019

Werlisa Club Color (1976) (black model)

Werlisa Club Color (1976) (black model)
This photo is from the copy I own

History and technical features 

Simple plastic viewfinder camera made by Certex in Spain.

Source: camera-wiki.org

This is a cheap camera, from the 70´s & 80´s when in Spain was having a lot of “little” changes. It is a camera with focus free, and 3 positions for its speed. You must charge the film, pass this one and … shoot !!!

A lot of Spanish homes have a little camera like this: all our life, vacancies, work, … has been impressed in a lot of photographs taken by cameras like this one.
It was one the latest and genuine “Spanish product”, in the years that this was a very important thing in our world.
Today, all this little firms was for the great and omnipotent global trademarks, or simply closed the factories.
This lovely camera can rewind the film with the same mechanism like other cameras. You push the button in the “bottom” of the camera and, then, you can use the little crank in the left. It is easy to make doubles with other cameras …I like to do it with another ones. You can´t do doubles exposures, in the same point, but it will give you “special” results !!!

As the Werlisa Club Color only has two iso sensitivities (100 and 400 ISO), what I do is to load a spool of 200 ISO, and I use the references of 100 ISO to overexpose lightly the film. I believe that this camera answers of forceful form to the rule: Do not think!, just shoot! It does not have rear window to be able to see the spool that it has inside, it can be very useful for the “surprise effect” of the photos. It is robust and it bears very well the “ill-treatment”.

Source: lomography.com

Werlisa é o nome de uma extensa série de câmeras, em constante evolução, produzido por Certex, que marcou uma era na fotografia amadora na Espanha.
As câmeras são funcionais, com óptica boa, inteiramente adequado para fotografia a cores e teve um grande sucesso no mercado espanhol para os fãs à procura de uma câmara que lhes permitam memória de imagem.
O Werlisa Cor Club é a primeira das câmaras da segunda geração deste tipo feita por Certex, inspirou a criação de câmaras simples e de baixo custo que pode ser utilizado por um público não familiarizado com a fotografia e cuja única pretensão de tirar as fotos de memória.
Estas câmaras são caracterizadas pelo abandono de vidro e metal e com a introdução de plástico para o corpo para a óptica.

Source: flickr.com


It has 3 settings on the ring around the focus free lens: sunny, cloudy and flash.

The lens is a Certar 38mm f/7.5, and there is only one shutterspeed. Film transport is done by a thumbwheel on the back of the camera, it also cocks the shutter. The camera does not need any batteries.

Source: camera-wiki.org

Tipo de Câmera: Compacta
Fabricados em: Espanha
Ano de fabricação: 1976
Objetiva: 38mm f Certa 7,5 de acrílico.
Obturador: Três velocidades (1 / 30, 1 / 60, 1 / 120).
Diafragma: Fixo (7.5)
Tipo de filme: 135 (Universal)
Foco: 2.5m ao infinito fixo.
Fabricante: Certex

Source: flickr.com


Black model

Reference sites






Pictures taken with this machine


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