sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2016

Revue Pocket 105 (1976 - ~1980)

Revue Pocket 105 (1976 - ~1980)
Esta fotografia é do exemplar que possuo

Câmara gentilmente cedida por Isabel Alber


Foto-Quelle of Nuremberg, Germany, is a large retailer of camera and photographic equipment. It sold a variety of film cameras produced by other manufacturers under the Revue and Revueflex brands. Originally founded in 1957 as a subsidiary of the large retailer Quelle, Foto-Quelle became Europe's largest photographic retailer by 1966 and in 1970, the world's largest.

Fonte: Camerapedia

Foto-Quelle of Nuremberg, Germany, was a large retailer of camera and photographic equipment. It sold a variety of film cameras and other optical instruments (such as binoculars) produced by other manufacturers under the Revue and Revueflex brands. Those manufacturers included most notably the japanese companies Chinon and Cosina, as well as the Russian state-owned KMZ factory, most prominently several cameras of their Zenit line. In the 60s Foto-Quelle also distributed Petri and Konica cameras under the Revue brand, which are much rarer today.

Foto-Quelle was originally founded in 1957 as a subsidiary of the large retailer and mail-order house Quelle, Foto-Quelle became Europe's largest photographic retailer by 1966 and in 1970, the world's largest. Usually twice a year a popular, rich illustrated catalog was published, not only in Germany, but also in the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Austria, Italy, USA and Switzerland.

In 1999 Quelle merged with the Karstadt Warenhaus AG (a department store chain) into the KarstadtQuelle AG. In 2009 the holding of that group, 2007 renamed as Arcandor, has fallen into bankruptcy. The business unit Foto Quelle and the brand Revue were acquired by the ORWO Net GmbH[2]. ORWO Net itself is a part of the former Filmfabrik Wolfen (Orwo). Today Foto Quelle is a service provider for photoprints, photo books, calendars, etc.



Hersteller: REVUE / Quelle Fürth
Typ: REVUE Pocket 105
Kameratyp: Sucherkamera
Filmtyp: 13 x 17 mm, Pocketfilm 110
Baujahr: 1976
Optik: Revuetar
Verschluss: Einfachverschluss
Belichtungsmessung: ohne
Fokussierung: Fixfokus
Blitzanschluss: Anschluss für X-Blitzwürfel



A minha tem gravados os seguintes n.ºs: 3 e 079. Podserá ser de 1979?

Sítios de referência




Filme 110

Fotografias tiradas com esta máquina


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