segunda-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2016

Komsomolets (1946-1951)

Komsomolets (1946-1951)
Esta fotografia é do exemplar que possuo


The Komsomolets („Комсомолец“) was a sophisticated pseudo TLR, almost like the German pre-war Brillant. It was named "комсомолец", meaning member of the Komsomol, the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, the youth organization of the former Soviet Union. Its plastic body design was taken over for the Lubitel, a real TLR.

Fonte: Camerapedia

I believe, that Komsomolets was the very first postwar mass-production camera to enter the Soviet Union market. An official LOMO sources refer to september of 1946 as Komsomolets start.

The very first Komsomolets cameras had frame counters on the body and left-sided film window on the rear door. According to Luiz Paracampo, 120 films (or simply 60mm in Russia) had only 6x9 markings up to 1950. That way, the earliest Komsomolets cameras had a left-sided red window, used for the counter start.

An earliest so far known serial number of "frame counter" Komsomolets is #460011 (LOMO archives), the latest one - #4725265 (SovietCams). In total, at least  1 Komsomolets version, 3 Komsomolets "Model-A" (without frame counter) and 1 Komsomolets "Model-B" (new shutter) versions with at least 18 types are known to exist nowadays.

Fonte: Sovietcams


The "комсомолец" was produced from 1946 to 1951 by GOMZ. Frame size was 6x6cm, but the first Komsomolets cameras had a red window for 6x9cm frame size since early Soviet 120 film had just 6x9 frame markings on the backing paper. The camera had a Triplet-21 6.3/80 lens and a shutter with speeds 1/25, 1/50, and 1/100 sec. plus B mode.

Fonte: Camerapedia


A minha parece ser da versão 4-A (PK1175). ver aqui.
Tem o n.º de série 4972527

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