quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2017

Halina-Viceroy (1960)

Esta fotografia é do exemplar que possuo


he Viceroy was a Pseudo TLR-format roll film box camera produced by Haking's in Hong Kong from around 1960. The lens plate is labelled "HAKING'S SUPER REFLEX" below the taking lens. Picture format is twelve 6x6cm images on 120 film. Lens: Haking's Double Meniscus f.8, with f.8, f.11 and f.16 stops. B & I shutter settings, with flash synch and an accessory shoe on the side.

The shutter and aperture controls are operated by knobs either side of the space between the lenses, imitating more expensive TLRs.

A similar camera, with the same body and lens but simpler controls and without the accessory shoe, was the Halina Prefect, of 1960.

Fonte: camerapedia

Two of the best-known and most commonly-seen camera names are Halina and Hanimex.

Haking - maker of Halina cameras (and many more) was founded in 1956 by Dr Haking Wong in Hong Kong. As well as selling cameras under the Halina name, Haking make cameras for other camera companies. Halina cameras tend to be engineered down to a low price and this low price means they sold, when available new, in large numbers. It is no surprise, therefore, to see that they are common on the second-hand market now.

The fact they are easy to find makes them attractive cameras for the collector who wishes to build a varied collection at low cost.

The Halina Viceroy takes 12 or 24 exposures on 120 roll film. It is a basic twin-lens camera with a non-focussing f/8 lens, simple shutter (I and T) and brilliant finder. In 1960 it cost £3 19s. 6d.

Fonte: marriottworld.com

It’s small(ish) and (I dare say) good looking; it has a small plate on the top (not mine but the other ones do) that says “Halina Viceroy” and it says “Hakings super reflex” around the lens (I must admit I love this), on the back it has a sliding door-like thing that covers the little red counter window and says “made in Hong Kong”, it was produced sometime ‘round the 60’s (in Hong Kong) by Haking (of Hong Kong).

Fonte: lomography.com


As some rubbish/toyish cameras it has simple settings (something like the Diana) three apertures(f.8, 11& 16), one fixed speed and bulb, I like this because you get some choice but not too much. It has a double meniscus, non focusing, f/8 lens that produces some slight vignetting. It takes 12 square pictures on 120 film or around 24 or 17 pseudo-panoramic photos with sprocket holes if you stick a roll of 35mm film in it (but that’s a tricky thing to do with this camera [in my opinion]).

Fonte: lomography.com


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